Publication Charges

Publication Charges

Publication Charges

Annals of surgical case reports and images operates as an open-access publisher, granting unrestricted access to all readers. Our readers have the privilege of freely downloading, printing, copying, and conducting full-text searches of articles available at To support the processes of article development, typesetting, and the long-term archival maintenance of published content, we require authors to pay a publication fee of 2000 USD for each manuscript.

Withdrawal Charges

Article withdrawal charges typically refer to fees that authors may be required to pay if they decide to withdraw their submitted manuscript from the Annals of surgical case reports and images proceedings after it has undergone some level of processing. These charges are often intended to compensate the journal for the time and resources expended in the peer review and editorial process. Article withdrawal charges equivalent to 50% of the standard Article Processing Charges.

Note: No charges apply if any author wants to withdraw within 72 hours of initial submission