
Short Report

Open Access, Volume 1

Case report of mucosal ischemia following left hepatectomy: Unveiling a rare postoperative complication

Taliente F1#; Langellotti L2#; Fabio Longo3*; Mele C1; Ardito F1; Giuliante F1

1Surgical Unit of Hepato-Bilio-Pancreatic Surgery, University Polyclinic Foundation A. Gemelli IRCCS, Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy. 2Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy. 3Digestive Unit and Pancreatic Cancer Surgery Center, University Polyclinic Foundation A. Gemelli IRCCS, Largo Agostino Gemelli 8, 00168 Rome, Italy. #T.F. and L.L. share first authorship.


Introduction: Gastric Mucosal Ischemia (GMI) following left hepatectomy is a rare post operative complication, never described in literature.

The presented image illustrates the uncommon postoperative complication of Gastric Mucosal Ischemia (GMI) following Liver Resection (LR).

Case presentation: A 60-year-old woman underwent left hepatectomy with lymphadenectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. The patient developed intense abdominal pain in 9th Postoperative Day (POD). The subsequent CT scan described: “a 6 cm biloma, pressing and displacing the antral region of the stomach, air emboli in the short gastric veins, edematous wall thickening of the fundus with regions of reduced or absent mucosal enhancement, highlighted with green arrows”. Following conservative treatment, the patient fully recovered, being discharged on the 28th POD.

Conclusion: GMI is an infrequent complication encountered after LR. In this case it is attributed to an exceptional observation: the mechanical effects of the biloma causing compression and displacement of gastric vessels, resulting in compromised blood supply to the gastric mucosa and subsequent ischemia.

Keywords: Gastric mucosal ischemia; Biliary fistula; Left hepatectomy; Liver resection; Colangiocarcinoma.

Manuscript Information: Received: Mar 22, 2024; Accepted: Apr 10, 2024; Published: Apr 17, 2024

Journal: Annals of Surgical Case Reports & Images

Online edition: https://annscri.org

Copyright: © Longo F (2024). This Article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Cite this article: Taliente F, Langellotti L, Longo F, Mele C, Ardito F, et al. Case report of mucosal ischemia following left hepatectomy: Unveiling a rare postoperative complication. Ann surg case rep images. 2024; 1(3): 1022.


Gastric Mucosal Ischemia (GMI) following left hepatectomy is a rare post operative complication, never described in literature.

Biliary leak is the most common cause of postoperative morbidity after hepatic resection, leading to prolonged hospital stay and drainage tube manteinance, but also worst long-term outcomes in oncological patients delaying the start of chemyotherapies [1].

This case report describes a rare case of gastric mucosal ischemia caused by biliary leakage after left hepatectomy.

Case report

A 60-year-old woman underwent left hepatectomy with lymphadenectomy for intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma. The patient developed intense abdominal pain in 9th Postoperative Day (POD).

The subsequent CT scan (Figure 1) described: “a 6 cm biloma, pressing and displacing the antral region of the stomach, air emboli in the short gastric veins, edematous wall thickening of the fundus with regions of reduced or absent mucosal enhancement, highlighted with green arrows”. Following conservative treatment, the patient fully recovered, being discharged on the 28th POD.

Figure 1: CT scan with biloma compressing stomach and signs of mucosal ischemia (green arrows) and gastroscopy with mucosal ischemia in lower right panel 470x264 mm (72x72 DPI).


The presented image (Figure 1) illustrates the uncommon postoperative complication of Gastric Mucosal Ischemia (GMI) following Liver Resection (LR).

GMI is an infrequent complication encountered after LR. In this case it is attributed to an exceptional observation: the mechanical effects of the biloma causing compression and displacement of gastric vessels, resulting in compromised blood supply to the gastric mucosa and subsequent ischemia. The diagnosis is displayed by both the CT scan and subsequent gastroscopy shown in the lower right panel of the image.

Bile leak remains one of the mostsignificant complications in liver surgery [1]. In this presentation, we are witnessing an extraordinary finding, a rare instance that to our knowledge, has never been documented before in literature. The pathophysiological mechanism might be linked to that of Delayed Gastric Emptying (DGE) after left hepatectomy. DGE is probably caused by adhesion between the stomach and the cut surface of the liver and displacement of the stomach [2]. Similarly, TGMI in this instance seems to be the result of a biloma coming from the cut liver surface compressing the gastric vessels.

Presenting this image might aid in the early detection of similar complications by other medical practitioners, promoting timely intervention. In fact, early recognition to initiate appropriate management significantly contributes to favorable patient outcomes. Continued research and exploration of novel preventive strategies to minimize bile leak are warranted to further enhance patient care and surgical outcomes in the field of liver surgery [3].


Funding: The authors have not declared a specific grant for this research from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sectors.

Conflict of interests: Authors declare no conflict of interest for this article.

Ethical approval: Reviews do not need any ethical approvals.

Consent to participate: Obtained.

Consent to publish: Obtained.

Availability of data and material (data transparency): Not applicable.

Code availability (software application or custom code): Not applicable.

Authors’ contributions: Study conception and design: Giuliante F, Langellotti L; data collection: Langellotti L; draft manuscript preparation: Taliente F, Langellotti L, Longo F, Mele C, Ardito F, Giuliante F. All authors reviewed the results and approved the final version of the manuscript.


  1. Koch Moritz, O James Garden, Robert Padbury, Nuh N Rahbari, Rene Adam, et al. Bile leakage after hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery: a definition and grading of severity by the International Study Group of Liver Surgery. Surgery. 2011; 149(5): 680-688.
  2. Yoshida Hiroshi, Yasuhiro Mamada, Nobuhiko Taniai, Yoshiaki Mizuguchi, Tetsuya Shimizu, et al. Fixation of the greater omentum for prevention of delayed gastric emptying after left hepatectomy with lymphadenectomy for cholangiocarcinoma. Journal of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery. 2007; 14: 392-396.
  3. Zimmitti Giuseppe, Jean-Nicolas Vauthey, Junichi Shindoh, Ching-Wei D Tzeng, Robert E Roses, et al. “Systematic use of an intraoperative air leak test at the time of major liver resection reduces the rate of postoperative biliary complications.” Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2013; 217: 1028-1037.